How We Scoop

Contact Us

Connect with us by phone or our website. You can set up service online or you can schedule a free virtual or in person consultation. 

Set Up Service

In order to set you up for service, we will need to determine frequency of service, and cost as well as answer any of your questions. 

On Our Way Text

We will send you a text to let you know when we are on our way. 

Scoop The Poop

We walk your yard in a zigzag pattern to ensure that we cover your entire yard, scooping as we go. We line our dustpan with eco-friendly bags and do continuous cleaning for our rake as needed, to ensure a cleaner scoop  

Treat The Poop

We use eco-friendly biodegradable kitty litter to treat the poop to minimize the smell.  

Bag Up The Poop

We use eco-friendly biodegradable bags. Bags are tied tightly before disposal. 

Trash The Poop

The treated poop is placed in your trash receptacle.  

Disinfect Equipment

After service, all equipment including the bottom of our shoes are disinfected with eco-friendly products to prevent cross contamination between yards. 

Completion Of Service

We will send you a text to let you know that we have completed service.